Fractions, Decimals, Percentages.
Concepts Understand that fractions, decimals and percentages are equivalent. Theory You’re basically trying to see that:
Ratio and Proportion
Concepts Understand the meaning of:
ratio proportion and their application in real life. Theory Ratio A ratio is a way of comparing two or more quantities that are related to each other.
Adverbs and adverbial phrases
Concepts Theory Imagine a box.
Pretty boring, right? Now how about this one?
That’s what an adverb can do to your sentence.
Decimal - Rounding off
Concept Rounding is a way to simply a number so we can remember it easily.
Food chains
Concept Understand that all organisms in an ecosystem are linked together in a food chain. Destroy the food chain, and you destroy that ecosystem.
Plotting Coordinates
Concept Understand the concept of X-Y co-ordinates, as a way of getting locating objects on a map.
Precise verbs
Concept Precise verbs convey the actions better then…well just plain old verbs.
Theory He ran away from the scene of the crime.
The reason for a season
Concept Understand why the Earth has a summer, and a winter season.
Theory If you live in India, you know summer arrives when Holi is over.
Concepts Understand
The concept of an angle. That angles are measured in degrees and drawn using a protractor.
Geometry - Quadrilaterals
Concept Quadrilaterals are 4 sided shapes in two dimensions. They comes in different shapes based on length of sides, number of parallel sides and lines of symmetry.